My Adventure in Search of the Best Silk

When I decided that I wanted to offer my clients not just clothing, but a true experience of luxury, it became clear that I needed to find the perfect silk. And where else to look for the best silk if not in its historical homeland—China? This is the country where the art of silk-making began thousands of years ago, and I was certain I would find the fabric worthy of my brand, Eva Moon, there.

Full of enthusiasm and plans, I set off for China, imagining how I would find the best silk factories, where this craftsmanship had been perfected for centuries. But to my surprise, even in China, silk had lost some of its popularity. Synthetic materials had taken over the market: they were cheaper, easier to produce, and seemingly unbeatable in terms of accessibility. People had started to forget what true luxury was, like it had been in the eras of the great dynasties. This discovery ignited in me an even stronger desire not just to preserve silk, but to restore its former glory, to show people that natural silk is a unique experience that no synthetic can replace.

The Journey to the Perfect Silk

My trip turned into a real adventure. China is a vast country with ancient traditions, and finding what I was looking for turned out to be much more challenging than I had expected. I visited numerous factories, each with its own approach, technologies, and characteristics. At times, it seemed impossible to find the exact silk that met my high standards. I traveled through towns where time seemed to have stood still and through modern metropolises where synthetic fabrics and mass-market fashion were the dominant trends.

An Unexpected Discovery

And then, after many days of searching and meetings, I stumbled upon a small family-run factory that had been in business for centuries. This factory was a true gem among everything I had seen before. Here, everything was done with love for silk, with respect for its traditions, and with incredible attention to detail. This was not just a factory—it was a family business where every process was steeped in history and a passion for perfection.

Their approach to their work inspired me. Like me, they believed that silk is not just a fabric. It is an art form, a heritage that must not be lost. They weren’t chasing quick profits; instead, they paid attention to every detail, striving for perfection in every meter of fabric. I realized that I had found the people who could create the silk that would meet both the quality and the philosophy of Eva Moon.

Silk for Eva Moon

Now, I can proudly say that our silk is produced specifically for Eva Moon at one of China’s oldest factories, which carefully preserves the traditions of silk-making. It’s not just a fabric—it’s history, a centuries-old culture that I am thrilled to embody in our creations.

This silk is for those who value genuine quality, comfort, and natural beauty. It’s a fabric that breathes with you, flows over your body, accentuating your every movement. And I am certain that nothing can replace the feeling of real, natural silk. It’s a touch of luxury, tradition, and art that we must preserve together.


My journey to China became a significant milestone in the creation of Eva Moon. It reminded me that traditions and quality are always more important than quick fixes and short-term gains. My goal is not just to create clothing, but to offer you something more: a connection to history, the feeling of luxury and comfort that natural silk brings. And I hope you will feel this magic when you wear our pieces.

Eva Moon